Implementing ISO 14001:2015 for Sustainability

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by Stephen Gould
July 22, 2024
By Stephen Gould
July 22, 2024

In our ongoing quest to support our customers, we regularly look for ways to enhance our expertise and the way in which we operate. One way that we achieve this is through acquiring ISO certifications that help us improve process efficiencies, reduce waste and enhance output quality. More than two decades ago, our Fremont branch paved the way with an ISO 9001 certification, and since then, many of our other locations have followed suit. ISO 9001 provides guidance for quality management.

Four years ago, we set our sights on attaining an ISO 14001 certification – beginning within our San Diego and Fremont locations– which would directly support our continued commitment to minimize the impact our organization has on the environment. ISO 14001 is an international standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS.) It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste and ensures compliance with regulations like CA Prop 65, state-specific PFAS requirements, and OSHA standards.

Implementing ISO 14001 in San Diego and Fremont required us to create a lifecycle assessment model for our business, identifying environmental aspects across various processes. Our internal aspects are minimal, focusing on utilities, facilities management, and waste disposal. However, our supply chain’s environmental impact is significant, when considering solutions and transportation costs, measured by Carbon Footprint (CFP) and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.

We have recently achieved a seamless integration of ISO 14001 with our existing ISO 9001 management systems, culminating in the establishment of a Quality Environmental Management System (QEMS). This QEMS is designed to be practical, customer-focused, relevant to our business, and cost-effective, necessitating the active involvement of our entire business.

Building on our recent success, we are taking the initiative from our San Diego and Fremont offices as a blueprint to implement similar systems across other offices, thereby extending the scope of our ISO 14001 certifications throughout the entire Stephen Gould organization. This strategic move aligns with our commitment to a practical, customer-centric, and economically viable Quality Environmental Management System (QEMS) that engages our entire business.